Saturday Night Main Event

The scene opens and Josh Dillingham along with Miguel Verdu and his trusty side kick Senor Jr. Jr. who are ready to announce for tonights matches.  Let's go ringside and watch.

Dillingham:  Hello and welcome everybody, I'm Josh Dillingham...

Verdu:  And yes... Dillingham is his real name.

Dillingham:  Why'd you say that?

Verdu:  Well, alot of people think it's a gimmick.

Dillingham:  Why?

Verdu:  Because you're so fat and the last part in your name is ham.

Senor Jr. Jr.:  Bark!  Bark!

Verdu:  That's right, Senor Jr. Jr.

Dillingham:  What did he just say?

Verdu:  What, you didn't understand it?

Dillingham:  No, I'm Chiuaua deficient.

Verdu:  Well, he said that you were tubby!

Dillingham:  Hey, at least I don't talk to dogs.

Verdu:  You're jealous aren't you?

*Dillingham streches back and sulks.*

Verdu:  You are!

Dillingham:  Shut up.  Let's go to our first match.
Robbie"Razor"Daniels vs. Zeke McGuire
Before the match starts, the Regional Champion James "Python" Hardy walks down to the ring.  The fans don't truly know what is going on.  He grabs a headset, and sits down by Verdu.

Dillingham: So what do we owe the honor?

Hardy: Shut your yap fatty

Verdu:*Laughing* Damn that was funny

Hardy: I'm just here to make sure Daniels doesn't pull anything off tonight.  If worst comest to worst, I'll have to take care of some business.

Both men get in the ring, and the match starts.  Daniels takes complete controll of the match, and this pisses off Hardy.

Hardy: This is crap, I should make it interesting, but I have better things to do right now.

Dillingham: And that is?

Hardy: Making fun of your dumbass

Verdu continues to laugh as Daniels hits McGuire with a suplex, followed with an elbow drop.  He thepicks him up, and lands a piledriver on the canvas.  He quickly goes for the pin.  Hardy drops the headset, grabs a chair and gets in the ring.  The ref has a two count and Hardy attacks Daniels with a boot to the back.  Daniels gets up just in time to recieve a devastating chair shot to the head.  The ref disqualifies McGuire, giving Daniels the win.  Hardy continues to beat on Daniels until security and refs come down to break it up.

Winner: Daniels via DQ

The show then goes to commecial, the show comes back from commercials to see Josh Dillingham, Senor and his dog, and none other than the freshest face in the UWA... Marcia  Tranthum.

Marcia:  Hello and welcome back everybody, I'm Marcia Tranthum here with Josh Dillingham and Miguel Verdu.  So, what do you think about the main event tonight, Dillingham?

Dillingham(ASIDE):  Sweet mother of God, she's talking to me.  She wants to know my opinion.  What should I say?  I can't make myself look stupid... oh man.... the price you pay for being a mac daddy....

Marcia:  Hello?  Josh, are you gonna comment or just stare blankly at me?

Dillingham:  Oh, well, Marcia(Winks)  Tonight's main even has even made me a Godfather Old fan.  I mean you just cant walk into this fed and claim to be a contender like Coke did.

Marcia:  Well, I agree.

Dillingham:  You do?

Verdu:  Easy, Tubster... don't bust a nut just yet.

Marcia:  *Rolls her eyes*  Anywho, tonights main event should prove to be a great one as Coke, Gold, and Kyle "The Natural" Pope all face off.

*Marcia continues to talk while Dillingham....*

Dillingham(ASIDE):  Man, she's so hot!  Oh man, she just looked at me.... wait.... I think she asked me a question....

*Marcia is staring at Dillingham*

Marcia:  Well?  Yes or no?

Dillingham(ASIDE):  Yes or no?  I'll bet she asked me out?

Dillingham:  Yes, of course.

Marcia:  What?

Verdu:  What kind of drugs are you on, Tub-O-Lard?

Dillingham:  What are you talking about?

Marcia:  I asked if you thought that Ryan Coke was Electrifying....

Dillingham(ASIDE):  DOH!

Dillingham:  Oh, I thought you asked if I thought Coke.. like Coca Cola was Electrifying... yeah, that's the ticket!

Marcia:  Riiiiight...

Verdu:  Anyway's, the next match is about to start... isn't that right Senor Jr. Jr?

Senor Jr. Jr.:  Bark, Bark,  Bark, yep, Yipe, Yelp!

Verdu:  Shhhhhh, Senor... not on TV.  Kids are watching!

Dillingham:  What'd he say?

Verdu:  Like I'd repeat that!

Marcia:  Yeah, nice try Dillingham!

Dillingham:  You understood him too?

Marcia:  What's not to understand.... he said...


Dillingham:  Oh....
Handicap Match
James Hardy vs. Dusty Storm/Ace
James "Python" Hardy enters the ring to '100 Mile High City' by Ocean Colour Scene, the crowd cheer him as he climbs in to the ring. 

Ace and Dusty Storm come down to the ring as their music plays. They get no reaction from the crowd who are still cheering Hardy as he flexes on the turnbucles. The bell rings and the action gets under way. 

Hardy makes a good start, knocking Dusty Storm to the ground with a roundhouse kick. Ace runs at Hardy with a clothesline but it is ducked. Ace goes in to the rope and Hardy knocks him over. He goes for the pin on Dusty Storm who is still out cold. 1...2...kick out. Ace gets back in to the ring and wips Hardy in to the ropes. Hardy falls to a double team clothesline by Dusty Storm and ace. Dusty holds Hardy's legs while Ace holds his shoulders down. The ref counts 1...2...some how Hardy has managed to get a shoulder up and the count is stopped. Ace starts laying in to Hardy while he is on the floor, punching him in the face. Hardy is taking the punches with no problem. He grabs storm by the neck and stands up. He chokeslams Ace in to the mat and then goes for Storm. Hardy knocks him to the ground with another roundhouse kick. He picks him back up and whips him in to the turnbuckle. He then whips Ace in to the same turnbuckle. He dropkicks the two men in the turnbuckle and they fall to the floor. Hardy picks up Ace and powerbombs him in to Storm. Storm and Ace are both on top of each other, Hardy climbs the turnbuckle and executed a flying leg drop on to the pair. Storm and Ace are now out cold. Hardy rolls Storm off Ace and climbs the turnbuckle again. He signals for "The Snake Bite" and executes a perfect corkscrew moonsault on to him. Hardy puts a hand on both men, the referee counts...1...2...3. Hardy is declared the winner of the match. 

Winner: James Hardy via The Snake Bite

The camera then goes to commercial.  When it comes back, Tommy Churchill and Johnny Wreck are already in the ring.

Non Title Match
Tommy Churchill vs. Johnny Wreck
The bell rings and Johnny Wreck gets straight to work on Tommy Churchill by hitting him with a spear, Churchill gets back up and delivers a vicious clothesline to Wreck, he almost took his head off. The two lock horns again but Churchill is to overpowering to Johnny Wreck and literally just throws him out the ring, the referee starts the ten count but Wreck gets back in by 4 and once again a clothesline by Churchill, Churchill now just kicking Wreck in the ribs and heads for the turnbuckles, he climbs up but Wreck takes him from behind and delivers a superplex, both men are down but by the count of 6 Wreck gets up and locks Churchill into a sharpshooter, Churchill has a face full of agony but manages to get to the ropes. Wreck lets go and executes a fantastic Spinning back drop onto Churchill, he goes for the pin 1…2…Kick out! Tommy gets back up and ducks Wrecks clothesline, he picks Wreck up and slams him to the mat, he climbs the turnbuckle and lands a fist onto Wreck, and goes for the pin 1…2… he got an elbow up! Now Tommy has signalled to the crowd ”THAT’S IT” he waiting by the ropes, Wreck gets up, and OH MY! Churchill hits the British Bulldog onto Wreck and covers him 1…2… Kick out! Churchill can’t believe it and in his anger pushes the referee over the ropes, Wreck’s got up, Churchill goes to hit Wreck but Wreck reverses it and flips Churchill over his shoulder and goes for the pin, but there’s no referee, oh hang on a minute, Slash is running down with a referee shirt on and slides in the ring but doesn’t count, Tommy gets back up and Wreck delivers a dropkick to his jaw but as he lands Slash starts beating on him and Tommy Churchill joins in and this is more like a handicap match, but hang on here is Jason Violence and he pulls Slash out of the ring and hits him with a lead pipe and oh no he’s just thrown in Churchill’s belt and Johnny Wreck lays Churchill out with it, he throws it back out and Jason is beating on Slash on the ramp, the referee is back in and Wreck doesn’t want to make the pin yet, instead he hits the Tomakazi and then delivers the Bloody Wreck to Churchill and pins him 1…2…3! Wreck has his hand raised by the referee and the crowd are chanting “UWA, UWA, UWA”. Wreck walks up the ramp while Churchill lays in the ring all most unconscious. 

The Camera comes back to the announcers table where now the two Brigman brothers are there... Tod next to Verdu and Tim next to Dillingham.

Verdu:  Hi and we're back with Tod and Tim Brigman.  Tod, since in my mind you clearly won that match last PPV, what do you plan to do with your show?

Tod:  Eh, eh... eh... Uh... eh....

Dillingham:  Hey, weren't you a chipmunk?

Tod:  Eh!  Weren't you the eh... eh... Stay Puff... eh eh Marshmellow.... eh eh ... man?

*Tim Brigman stands up*

Tim:  Uh *30 Seconds later*  Shut up, Dink!  Dillingham is cool!

Tod:  Ya want some of  eh... eh.. eh-eh?

Tim: Bring it!

*Tod rushes Tim only to run into Dillingham and bounce off his flabby stomach and hit the ground hard.  Verdu sees this and in defense of Tod rushes Dillingham only to bounce off his flabby stomach and, like Tod, hit the floor hard.  Dillingham turns around to give Tim a high five and knocks Tim in the crowd.  He then turns around and knocks Marcia over the announcers table.*

Dillingham:  Where'd everybody go?

  The camera then goes to the ring.  Slash and Jackson are already in the ring.  Steve Carter makes his way out the curtain and stops.  He has a mic in his hand.

Carter: I told you guys that I would never fight you in a hardcore title match.  It used to be that I thought you didn't deserve it, now I see it as I'm too good to fight you two jackasses.  So tonight, I've decided that I will get rid of this shameful belt and move up the ranks.  I thought about going to the regional title, but I'd win it with ease.  So Stealth has decided he would be best suited to go up and fight for the NA title.  You know I deserve it.  Churchill, I'm comin for you, don't be afraid, I could care less of you, I just want the gold.

Carter drops the title and walks backstage.

Hardcore Title Match
Jake Jackson vs. Slash
The ref calls for the bell and the match gets underway.

Both men grab steel chairs from the ‘pile’ in the middle of the ring. Slash dares Jackson to hit him over the head with the chair; Jackson does so but Slash doesn’t go down, he stays on his feet.  Now Jake dares Slash to return the favor, so Slash smacks Jackson ‘upside the head’ with the chair, and Jackson too stays vertical.  Slash hits Jake again with the chair, and again, yet Jackson stays on his feet.  Jake then hits Slash again with the chair, and then Slash hits Jake, then Jake hits Slash; finally they both hit each other at the same time, and after a momentary pause, they both fall onto their asses.

Both men use their chairs to get up.  Once they’re up, Slash takes a swing at Jackson with the chair but Jackson ducks and hits Slash in the back of the head with the chair, knocking Slash’s chair out of his hands.  Jake smashes Slash in the midsection with his chair, sets up the chair on the mat and drop toe holds Slash face first into the chair. Jake then applies a camel clutch to Slash, hoping to exact a submission; Slash doesn’t give it up though, so Jake relinquishes the hold.

Jackson goes over to the pile of hardcore implements and grabs two serving trays.  As Slash gets to his knees, Jake takes a serving tray in each hand and violently sandwiches Slash’s head between them.  Jake then drops the serving trays, one on top of the other, in the middle of the ring and DDTs Slash onto them.  Jake then grabs the trashcan, but as he tries to hit Slash with it, Slash cuts him off with a low blow and then a European uppercut.

Slash takes the trashcan, and after denting it on Jackson’s head, he props it up between the second and third turnbuckles in the corner of the ring.  Slash goes back to Jake and tries to whip him into the trashcan, but Jake reverses, cutting Slash down with a back elbow. Slash is up quickly though and the two tie up.  Jake gets the advantage and backs Slash into the corner with the barbed wire; the ref calls for a clean break and surprisingly, he gets one from Jake.  As Jackson backs away though, Slash grabs the barbed wire and rakes it across his face. Slash does it again, and this time, opens up a deep cut on Jake’s face.

Slash takes a Singapore cane from the pile of weapons and viciously canes Jake; opening the cut up further.  Slash discards the Singapore cane and puts a dragon sleeper on Jake.  Slash applies more pressure and blood squirts out of Jake’s head like water out of a water fountain.  As blood fills Jake’s eyes, he gets he gets a sudden rush of adrenaline, and is able to bridge up out of the move and hold Slash on his shoulder.  Jake then drops down and delivers a fire thunder driver (Greetings from Asbury Park/Rikishi Driver) to Slash.

Jake wipes the blood from his face and picks Slash up again, this time body slamming him onto a road sign.  Jackson then goes over to the barbed wire and wraps it around his fist.  He then grabs Slash’s face and smashes the barbed wire into it, busting Slash open.  Jackson drops the barbed wire and picks up a computer keyboard.  He smashes the keyboard over Slash’s head, sending keys flying all over the ring.

Jake helps Slash to his feet and lifts him up for a suplex.  He’s going for the ‘Jackson Drop’, but Slash is able to slide down Jake’s back and land on his feet, where he quickly locks on the ‘Throat Slasher’. Jackson looks to be passing out, but suddenly Slash suplexes Jake over his head, dropping him right on his neck (Tazmissionplex).  Jake appears to be dead; he’s not moving.

Slash takes the barbed wire and wraps it around his midsection; he then ascends the turnbuckles and notions to the crowd that “it’s over!”. Slash turns around to face the crowd, and then executes a rather sloppy (Bam Bam style) but undeniably insane (because of the barbed wire) moonsault on Jake.  Slash goes for the pin: 1…2…Jake just barely, and I mean barely, gets a shoulder up.

Slash stands up and unwraps the barbed wire, ripping skin and shirt alike.  Looking to finish him off, Slash picks Jake up, and sets up for a piledriver.  Out of desperation, Jackson is able to counter by pulling Slash’s legs out from under him and slingshotting him into the corner; unfortunately for Slash, he crashes face first into the trashcan he put there earlier.

Jake whips Slash off towards the opposite corner, he then grabs a chair and raises it above his head.  Jake runs into the corner and almost takes Slash’s head off with a vicious running chair shot.  He goes forthe pin, the ref counts the 3 and Jackson gets the win and the title.

Winner & New Hardcore Champion: Jake Jackson via Running Chair Shot

The show goes to its final commercial break.  When it comes back it shows a split screen of our Heavyweight Champion "The Natural" Kyle Pope on one side, and Gold on the other.  Seconds pass, and the camera fades outs, and it fades back into Prez Johnson, JB Rock, and the Electrifying Champ, Ryan Coke, in the ring.

Johnson: 6 days strong, the GuR still stands.  The revolution continues, and tonight we take another piece out of this federation by destroying the two of the top wrestlers in my federation.  That's right, Pope and Gold, you guys don't stand a chance with Coke.

Coke: That's right, you two jackass's don't can't even match up to the mind of Coke, let alone the body strength of my physique.  I truly am the top of the top when it comes to complete, total packages.

Johnson: So people of the audience, what do you think of me now? *the crowd boos*.  Just wait till this fed is called the GuRWF, then, you guys will no "WHO's YOUR DADDY"

Coke: Pope, Gold, you two will fallow the path of Parker and leave this fed cause your scared of me.

The card shifts, and the camera moves to the ramp as Prez Stevens comes out.  He has a mic in hand, and is ready to talk.

Stevens: Johnson, Coke, you guys talk to damn much. *the crowd cheers* Tonight, I could care less the outcome, it's going to be a great match.  I've come here to offer a challenge.  This coming PPV, St. Valentines Judgement Day, the main event will consist of JB Rokk, Tommy Dillinger, and Ryan Coke, against Kyle Pope, Steve Carter, and a mystery wrestler.

Johnson and Coke get a pissed look on there faces.  Who could it be?

Stevens: And to make things even tonight, only Coke is allowed to be around ringside tonight.  If any of your GuR goons come down to the ring, step through that curtain, Coke is eliminated.  Got it.

Johnson: Shut up...

Stevens leaves ringside, as does the GuR.  Coke give Johnson the Electrifying Belt, and Johnson makes his way up the ramp.  Moments later out came Gold, followed by Natural to a standing ovation.

Main Event
Kyle Pope vs. Godfather Gold vs. Ryan Coke
The bell rang, and the match went out like a bang.  Both Natural and Gold teamed up on Coke.  Both took turns beating on him until Gold threw him out of the ring.  Natural and Gold then stood toe to toe, trying to stare the other down.  Gold gave Pope a push, the Natural pushed back.  The two superstars began a brawl in the middle of the squared circle as Coke gained his breath.  Back in the ring, Natural, the UWA Heavyweight Champion gained control and took down Gold with a menacing clothsline that everyone in attendance heard.  Pope was on the prowl.  He picked up Gold and sent him down hard with a body slam.  He then hit Gold with a running leg drop.  Pope then got some appreciation from his fans.  Coke now gets back in the ring.  With his back turned, the Natural is unaware that Coke is in the ring.  Coke hits Natural with a low blow as the ref is attending to Gold.  Coke, with the advantage, gives Pope a quick leg drop and then goes to choke him out.  The ref soon come wise to his plan and warns Coke.  Coke snaps, not liking the warning of the ref and walks out the ring.  The match continues with Coke outside the ring.  Coke grabs a chair and gets back in the ring.  Coke, without a second to lose, plants the ref with the chair knocking him out cold.  He then plants Pope with the chair.  All that is left in the ring is Coke w/chair, and Gold who is recovering from his outing with Natural just before.  

Down came Rokk.  Without a ref, there wasn't going to be a DQ.  Rokk and Coke put a beating on Gold, and finally Coke goes for the pin.  Rokk then grabs the shirt off the KOed ref and puts it on.  He counts the three on Gold.  Coke and him then put a beating on Pope, and finally pinning him as well.  And like that, out came carter, followed by the newly crowned hardcore champion Jake Jackson, and Jefreez.  The action inside the ring was intense.  Down came Dillinger to even the score.  Dillinger went right at Analyst.  The two began to brawl outside the ring.  Coke and Carter went at it, and Rokk and Jackson squared off.  Out came Churchill with his NA title.  He clocked Carter with it, said a few words then went back up the ramp.  The mayhem went on for a bit until Coke had enough.  He and Rokk cleared the ring of Jackson.  Dillinger and Jefreez fought there way up the ramp and through the curtain.  The two men celebrated in the ring as Johnson came back out with the the electrifying belt, and two cans of spraypaint.  He gets in the ring and hands the spraypaint over.  Now everyone expects that Coke and Rokk are going to spraypaint Gold and Natural.  But instead, they spraypaint the deckle that was in the middle of the ring.  The deckle was of the UWA logo.  Coke wrote GuRWF and was followed with Rokks addition of 4 LIFE.  The camera centered on the new bad boy of the UWA Ryan Coke and his Electrifying belt.  The card ended with a picture that appeared on the UWA Rumble Tron.

Winner: None via DQ