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Saturday Night Slam
Baton Rouge, Louisiana All of the lights in the arena go off, and the
crowd is left in complete
Rabikus: As all of you know, me
and my tag team partner here Mowgli,
This gets major heat from the crowd. They are
really getting on Rabikus'
Rabikus: You freaks can all shut
up cheering for that retard, we beat him so badly that I doubt if he is
even here tonight! But anyway, thats not why we are
War by Edwin Starr hits the PA, and The Duke walks
down to ringside. He is
Rabikus: Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the next UWA tag team champions, providing they can outlast Primal Scream, of course. Here are the soon to be UWA Regional Champion, and teh current, only and undisputed UWA HArdcore Champion, The Duke and Burnside. Now, Duke, how about addressing these fine people on why you decided to your up with us? The Duke takes the mic. A 'Why Duke, Why' chant starts. The Duke: Shut the hell up, you
bunch of inferior beings. We are pure bred
With this, The Duke throws the mic across the
ring, Elephant Man begins
Prez Johnson: Wait a darn second there The crowd cheers Prez Johnson: I could care less if you allowed the Duke to join your stable, that doesn't affect me one bit. What does piss me off is when I recieve letter after letter from a certain director saying that I personally am allowing my wrestlers to rip him off. I have one of the letters with me right now. Stevens, will you take the honors? Prez Stevens grabs the mic Prez Stevens: My pleasure. I'm just going to give you guys the jist of the letter. It address that Rabikus, a member of our fed, has been using clips from his movie "Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Barrells". If you do not take action on this wrestler, then I will take action on your federation and you will be sued. Thanks you very much, Guy Ritchie blah, blah, blah Pre Johnson: Thank you Stevens. You know, I didn't believe the letter at first. But then I saw the movie, and I'll tell you all this much. I was pissed off. I wanted to fire you Rabikus, but Stevens here saved your ass from Termination. So we decided to suspend you for a week without pay. Pack your bags and get out of here. The rest of you have matches, so I don't want to hear any bitching orcomplaining about our descion. I think we we're more than fair. Rabikus, I don't want to see your face until next Monday. The Prez's music plays and the three walk back stage. The camera focuses on a disgruntalled Rabikus before the camera cuts out and the Saturday Night Slam intro plays. The show comes back from comercial and gives the fans a nice pyro show. Dragonz Warrior's music plays and he walks down to the ring. He is followed by The Mortician Dragonz Warrior vs. The Mortician The bell rang and The Mortician came out fighting. What he came out fighting? We may never know. He ran towards Dragonz Warrior, but he seemed to be punching at thin air. Warrior was curious to know what was going on ... but, not that curious. Warrior nailed Mortician with a nasty drop-kick to the head. Mortician went down. Warrior picked him back up by the hair and, once again, Mortician began swinging wildly. Warrior scratched his head for a moment and hit him with another drop kick. The crowd began to boo. Seeking to end their misery, Dragonz Warrior executed his finisher and got the three count. Winner: Dragonz Warrior via
Dragonz Drop
The General vs. Negative Creep Creep headed towards the ring immediately after the last match. Not fully satisfied with his short match with Mortician, Dragonz Warrior began laying blows onto Creep. Creep, totally unsuspecting of this attack, began to run into the crowd. Dragonz Warrior was in hot pursuit. The ref went after them trying to break up the battle. Meanwhile, The General came down the ramp and jumped into the ring. A secondary ref came down and signaled for the bell to ring. Thinking that The Mortician was Negative Creep, The General wondered why his opponent was already beat down. The crowed began to laugh seeing the mistake. General shrugged, picked Mortician up and gave him the 21 Gun Salute, then the pin. Winner: The General via 21
Gun Salute
Meanwhile, backstage ... Dragonz Warrior is caring Creep through the hallways of the UWA, stopping every-so-often to slam his head against the wall. In the Unresolved Issues dressing room, The Natural sits shaking his head watching the action. Natural: This is pathetic. Opening carders bore me to death. I need to give the fans some natural entertainment. Triple H vs Jason Knight Triple H’s music kicks up as he makes his way down to the ring. Only a couple seconds later, Knight joins him in the ring. They look towards the ref to ring the bell but the ref shakes his head. The arena then echoes with “No Leaf Clover” as The UWA Heavyweight Champion, The Natural and The UWA Commissioner, The Atomic One step out onto the ramp. The fans go wild. Atomic: Natural came to me seconds ago and requested a stipulation change. Natural: That’s right, you opening card bozos. Instead of being a regular match, this is going to be a “Natural Referee Match.” Verdu (At The Spanish Announcer’s Table): A Natural Referee Match, what is that? Natural: I’m sure that dumb spic Verdu just asked what a Natural Referee Match is. Well, I’ll tell you. It’s when I, The Natural, get to be the referee and do whatever I think is in the best interests of the UWA. The crowd cheers, Natural makes his way into the ring, and The Atomic One goes to ringside for the commentary. Natural calls for the bell to ring. It does. Knight and HHH lock horns center ring. Neither man can seem to get the better grip. The crowd begins chanting “Natural.” The Natural signals to the crowd, grabs Knight, and plants him with a double-arm DDT. HHH goes to shake Natural’s hand, but Pope slaps it away and gives HHH a short armed clothesline. HHH shakes it off, and gets back to his feet. He goes over to Knight and picks him up. Hunter then tosses Knight into the corner. He then goes up for some mounted punches. The crowd counts to 10 and HHH backs off. Knight then gets a lucky chop across HHH’s chest. Helmsley stumbles back into The Natural. The UWA champ greets him with a piledriver. Knight, having his fill of The Natural, charges all out. Natural ducks down and shoulder tosses Knight out of the ring. The crowd is going crazy. Then ... from out of nowhere, The Bomb Squad’s music comes on. Natural looks towards the ramp, but he doesn’t see anything. From the second row in the arena, JBK and Bad Billy head towards the ring running. Natural, still turned in the other direction, has no idea what’s coming. JBK reaches Natural first, and hits him with a running forearm. Natural drops to the ground. Bad Billy picks up Natural’s belt and nails him with it. Then they begin laying the boots on him. The Atomic One slides in and hits Bad Billy with a chair. JBK bails but circles the ring. Atomic helps Natural up and hands him the chair. Natural takes it and begins chasing JBK back up the entrance ramp. Knight stumbles back in and pins the still downed Triple H. Atomic counts it for him Winner: Jason Knight via pinfall Bad Billy gets up, gives The Atomic One the finger and goes back to his dressing room. The Show goes to commercial. Dragonz Fyre vs The Analyst The match was quick. It could of easily have been an openning match except for the fact that The Analyst is getting a good following by the crowd. He is an exciting rookie to watch and the fans love the excitement. He hits Dragonz Fyre with a few moves and finally goes for the kill. He nails Dragonz Fyre with The Analization and gets the pin Winner: The Analyst via The Analization The Analyst theme starts but he waves to all his fans. He then walks up the ramp and backstage, he walks by JBK and The Bomb Squad talking about something. He snickers a bit and walks on by. The Bomb Squad look like there up to something. In the ring, Burnside is waiting for TRG to enter the ring. Non-Title Hardcore Match
The bell rang; and so did The Roman God’s head when Burnside nailed him with a steel bucket. TRG held his head. B-Side demonstrated his Hardcoreness by hitting TRG in the rib cage with the bucket. B-Side then took off his Hardcore Belt and whacked TRG until he was down. Refusing to stop the onslaught, B-Side searched for a new weapon. TRG began moving slightly. He stood up and Irish whipped the Hardcore Champion into the stairs. B-Side got up with a smile and TRG, stepping one foot onto the apron, lunged. B-Side caught TRG in mid-air with a mop. The mop split into two parts. B-Side still held the plain end, and TRG quickly grabbed the end with the mop. The two men fought as if they held swords. Finally, B-Side was able to duck a head shot and hit TRG in the shins. TRG went down. B-Side began laying the boots on him. All the sudden, Scotland’s Own, Johnny Crunch comes hauling ass down the ramp. B-Side turns around and the two men begin trading blows as the crowds goes nuts. Crunch gains a small advantage and rams B-Side’s head into the turnbuckle pole. He then reaches down and grabs the smooth end of the mop. Crunch brings it around B-Side’s neck and begins choking him. B-Side is about to passout, when a half dazed TRG hits Johnny in the back. Crunch drops B-Side and slams TRG into the crowd. Crunch heads back towards B-Side, when The Duke’s music comes on. Carter runs with a baseball bat, and Crunch is late getting out of the way. A clean shot puts Johnny on the ground. Duke walks over to finish what he started, but is interrupted by Godfather Gold’s music. Gold runs down to make the save, but is caught off-guard by Burnside who tackles him halfway. B-Side begins hitting Gold in the face. TRG manages to get back up again. He gives The Duke a low blow. Crunch slams TRG back to the ground. Gold tosses B-Side off of him. Crunch comes from behind and hits B-Side with a chair. B-Side stumbles back and lands on TRG. Duke gets up and rushes Gold. Crunch and Gold beat Duke down and show the UWA Stylin’ and Profilin’s finisher, Alpha Omega. While they are show boating, however, the ref counts for B-Side ... 1 ... 2 ... 3. Winner: Burnside via Pin S & P head to the back as the UWA goes to commercial. The UWA comes back from commercial, the camera is backstage. The Bomb Squad are in some kind of arguement. JBK: Look, I told you I lead the group, that is why I am the best person to take over as President. Bad Billy: You've gone nuts over this whole presidency thing. We just got taken out by Unresolved Issues, and all you can think of is running this second class fed. You need to cut it out, and get back to old school Bomb Squad Business JBK: I bore of that old style, I can back to change something in myself, so be quiet, I'm thinking. Bad Billy: I think I speak for both me and Nasty Joe by saying you need to get your priorities straight. Are you part of the Bomb Squad, or are you part of this fake UWA? JBK is silent Bad Billy: I thought so, we have a match, let's go Nasty Joe Nasty Joe looks at JBK Nasty Joe: You like it? YOU BETTER JUST LIKE IT Bad Billy and Nasty Joe walk down to the ring ready for there match against Stylin & Profilin Tag Team Match
Bad Billy and Nasty Joe talk in the ring while UI's music begins to play. Out walks Johnny Crunch. He walks out a bit and stops. He points to the curtain. Everyone begins to cheer in the arrival of Godfather Gold, but instead out walks The Natural. The Natural has a mic. The Natural: So where is Gold you ask? Well, Johnny and I decided to let Gold prepare for his title shot, so me and Johnny are going to kick these guys asses tonight. JC: Aye, that's correct, me and Natural are going to take out the trash tonight. Unresolved Issues make it to the ring, and all 4 men start fighting in the ring at the same time. The ref finally gets some control on things and Crunch and Bad Billy start off the match. The bell rings just as JC hits the first punch. Both men go back and forth until Bad Billy takes the advantage. Bad Billy isolates Crunch in his home corner. Billy and Joe make many quick tags. All you can hear is Verdu at the spanish announce table yelling OUCHO GRANDE at the top of his lungs. Crunch had been trapped over in the corner for 20 minutes until the weirdest thing happened, JBK came down to the ring and had a conferance with Billy and Joe. At this time Crunch has made his way back to Natural for the tag. Natural gets in the ring, but waits a minute to see Bad Billy nail JBK right in the face. JBK falls off the apron. Bad Billy fingers the Natural then climbs out of the ring and grabs a mic off the spanish table. Bad Billy: I told you John to stop bothering us unless you where serious about being a Bomb Squad member. I'm sick and tired of you being indecisive about desicions that you want to make. So you lead me to do something I didn't want to do. Bad Billy drops the mic, and grabs a chair. He swings at JBK, but JBK blocks it. JBK grabs the chair from Bad Billy and hits him with it. JBK then grabs the mic. JBK: How's that for indisisive. JBK drops the mic by Bad Billy. He gives a stare to Nasty Joe, and then walks out. Just as Nasty Joe looks back, Natural closthlines him off the apron. Crunch rolls Bad Billy back in the ring, and Natural gets the pin. Winners Stylin & Profilin via pinfall Natural and Crunch leave the ringside and Nasty Joe revives Bad Billy. Immediatly Billy gets a mic. Bad Billy: So that's how it's going to be John. I get it, me and Nasty Joe aren't good enough to be in a stable with you. Not only a stable, the greatest stable ever. You my friend, are a complete sellout, and lead us to no other choice. Bad Billy looks at Nasty Joe, and both men grab the mic Billy & Joe: WE QUIT The fans are in shock, nobody expected this to happen. The camera shows the reaction of the wrestlers in their individual locker rooms. The last clip is of JBK. He looks a little dismayed, he tries to shake it off but he still can't hide the fact that his stable has just broken up. The camera then shifts over to a line-up. Mowgli is waiting in one getting ready to purchase a beer. He gets to the front of the line. Worker: Sir, this is your 7th drink tonight, I think you have past your legal limit Mowgli: Don't tell me what I've passed, this stuff is too watered down to get me drunk. Give me 2 more. Worker: Allright, but that's it, no more after this ok Mowgli: (hiccups) OK Mowgli grabs the to drinks and then walks down the fans stares, past security and into the ring. He stumbles around a bit, spills one of his drinks and throws the other one at a nearby fan. The crowd boos, and awaits JBK to make his first match in the UWA in a long time. The tron pops on, and everyone looks. They see JBK walking towards ringside, but get blindsided by Bad Billy and Nasty Joe. JBK is really taken a beating and nobody is coming to his aid. It seems he burnt too many bridges the last time he was in the UWA. Finally security breaks up the brawling. They escort Bad Billy and Nasty Joe completly out of the arena, they see if JBK is ok. They then try to get him to get medical assistance. He tells them to leave and that he has a match to take care of. He enters the ringside completly hobbiling. He has a mic in hand JBK: Well Mowgli, I'm sure you never thought you would have it this easy. Or will you. It seems you've drank yourself into a toilet. Well, I have a suggest we post pone the match until next Monday, when where all well rested and good to go Just then the Prez's come on the Tron. Prez Johnson: So it seems that John"The Bomb"Knight is trying to scam his way out of a match. Well I won't stand for it, not as long as I'm Prez. Get in the ring JBK. From behind Atomic grabs JBK and throws him into the ring. Mowgli slowly grabs him, nails him with The Black Out. Atomic counts the pin and gives Mowgli the win. A stretcher comes out to pick up the injured JBK. Mowgli stumble back to the Charlatans locker room hoping to find more alchohol. The show cuts to more comercials. Main Event
Both men respectively come down to the ring and stand in their corners. Before they are able to lock up, The Natural’s music comes on, and the UWA Champ walks out with a microphone. The fans cheer. Natural: Who wants another Natural Referee Match? The Unresolved Issues fans scream and applaud loudly. Natural: Fine, the fans have spoken, it’s now a... The Natural is broken off by The Atomic One who walks out beside him for the second time tonight. Atomic: Sorry Natural, but this is a main event. A belt main event, might I add. So, sticking with a UWA tradition, there will be no other wrestlers involved, except for those participating for the belt. The crowd starts to boo. Atomic: Now, wait a second, that doesn’t mean that their can’t be a stipulation. The boos quiet down. Atomic: Hit it, boys. Flames shoot up around the ring. Atomic: This is now an inferno match! The fans cheer once again. Natural nods to Atomic and makes his way backstage. The bell rings. The Duke takes advantage early on by hitting Gold with a spinning heel kick. Gold drops to the ground and Duke lays on the boots. Gold eventually rolls out and puts Duke in an arm wrench. Duke cries out in pain. Gold tries to swing Duke into the ropes but Duke reverses it. Gold stops inches in front of the flames. He then turns around and charges Carter. Steve dodges, and Gold once again, barely halts himself before getting burnt. Duke grabs Gold and gives him a back body drop. Gold shakes it off and starts tossing rights and lefts at Carter. The hits seem to land blow after blow. Duke seems somewhat dazed, but he’s able to block one of The Don’s shots and sucker punch him in the ribs. Gold puts a hand on his stomach, unable to breath while Duke regains his composure. The wrestlers both recover at about the same time, and hit each other with a clothesline. Both men are down. Gold seems to be out, and Duke is moving just enough to hold his throat and gag. Seeing as a count out isn’t possible, the two men lay in the ring like this for almost 5 minutes. The crowd begins to chant Gold’s name. As to answer them, Gold struggles to his feet, while Duke still grasps at his neck. Gold points to a sign in the stands that says “Kiss Of Death.” Then, Gold allows his body to drop, landing a nasty headbutt, and executing his finisher. Gold then, somewhat out of it, goes for a pin. After he realizes that no one is counting, and the fact that he’s in an inferno match, he is tossed off by Duke. Duke, still not near top shape, after Gold’s finisher, starts staggering around the ring like a drunken sailor. Gold, seizing the opportunity, pushes Duke into the flames with his finger. Winner and Regional Champion: Godfather Gold via Finger Push The card ends with UI celebrating in the ring, and the medics and the Charlatans making sure that The Duke is ok. The camera fads to black. {OOC NOTE: You all do not believe that this is
the real JBK, let me assure you that it is. But, the thing
is, is that he had a falling out with his brother Chris(Bad Billy) and
rarely ever talks to Nasty Joe's handler any more. He wanted you
all to know that. So he is on his own, and I asked him if he'd change
his character up a bit. He doesn't like the cussing part either,
so we dropped that gimmick fast. He hasn't RP'ed in a while because
of the whole falling out with Chris. That is why Bad Billy and Joe
quit tonight. I am just trying to clear some stuff up. I hope
you cut JBK some slack and allow him to get back into RPing again.
Let's make UWA the best damn e-fed of all time. END NOTE}
Main Event Regional Title Match Gold vs. Duke Mowgli vs. JBK Tag Team Match
Dragonz Fyre vs.
Jason Knight vs.
The General vs. Negative Creep Dragonz Warrior vs.